Domestic Abuse in a Christian World

Counselor Training Program

What Every Pastor, Counselor and Marriage

Mentor Really Needs to Know.

A Solid Biblical Roadmap for Helping People

in Destructive Relationships 

Think About It 

What did you do the last time a husband or wife came to you – desperate for help with their broken marriage?

Be Honest With Yourself

Have any of these experiences ever kept you up at night?

  • You wanted to help, but it was such a mess that you didn’t even know where to start. So you prayed for them, but wondered if there was something more you could’ve done.

  • You were surprised to hear what was going on behind closed doors. When you learned the marriage was crumbling, you wondered how you could’ve been more help to them before things got so bad – if only you’d known?

  • You weren’t sure which spouse to believe at times – very troubling. You suggested they attend a marriage conference, hoping that would resolve some issues.

  • You felt like you weren’t making much progress with them. Even after heartfelt apologies and Scripture memorization, they came back to the same problems over and over.

  • Even after you taught them about Biblical gender roles, the unique differences between men and women, and gave them some good communication techniques, things just seemed to get worse.

I’m Leslie Vernick,

and I want you to know that I’ve been in your shoes.

As a Christian counselor and coach working with people in destructive relationships for over 35 years, these kinds of situations kept me awake many nights. I wondered,

  • Did I say the right thing?
  • What if my suggestion backfires?
  • Am I really helping them?

I even have dreams (nightmares) about these marriages! It was agonizing.

It’s absolutely heartbreaking to give all you can, only to helplessly

stand by watching a marriage fall apart, right?

We want to see Christ’s work in people’s lives – restoration, healing, hope.

And when that isn’t happening? It can be utterly discouraging – and exhausting – in our line of work.

I know you care deeply about those you counsel and honestly want to do God’s work. You don’t want to just put a “Band-Aid” on the situation, offering temporary solutions that don’t last.

You just don’t know exactly what to do to help!

I have some very good news for you..

I have personally worked with hundreds of emotional abuse cases over the years, and God has been gracious to open my eyes to see his true Biblical roadmap to restoration.

So, In the next few minutes, I’m going to share how you can find answers to some of your toughest questions about being more effective in helping people in destructive relationships.

Look, We all know that marriage was meant to glorify God as

an everyday visual of Christ and his bride, the Church.

But when a marriage goes haywire, what part does our

guidance play in those fragile times?

Is it possible (with all our good intentions and knowledge of the Gospel) that we could unknowingly be giving advice with the wrong message?

Here's Something You Need To Know...

As pastor and abuse counselor, Chris Moles, and I have been teaching more and more “people-helpers” like yourself, we realized the need for a clear “blueprint” for working with people in emotionally destructive relationships.

So, let me ask you a question...

Would you know what questions to ask to identify an “emotionally abusive” relationship if you saw one?

And one more question...

Would you know what the Bible says about verbal and emotional abuse and how to handle it?

  • You need a step-by-step road map that lays out the concepts and strategy
  • And someone to give you feedback as you flesh it out in your work with hurting people.

The fact is this...

If you’re a Christian leader – and I submit this gently because the lack in our training on this problem is no fault of our own – you are almost certainly unaware of two things…

(1) You may be unaware of the true family life of many of your church members.

(2) The reason for this is that for abuse victims, “church people” have not been a safe or reliable place to come for help.

When victims do get the courage to reach out for help…

Well, here’s a sampling of the hundreds of stories I hear so often:

“What I wish a very influential pastor had not said [to me] is, ‘You are full of suspicion. You can't love if you don't trust.’ Then, I approached another leader and asked him what to do when my husband’s aggression was mounting, and he said, ‘Just love him.’ ” R.B.

“I have learned not to go to a church for help.” C.B.

“…the Domestic Violence Service organized me and my two babies to find shelter in a women's refuge. I had been physically, sexually and psychologically abused by my ex-husband. I was a new Christian and the woman leader of the women's Bible study in the church I attended, came to the shelter to visit me. She basically told me I was in disobedience to God and that I needed to return home to my husband. I returned home thinking I was obeying God. My husband continued to abuse me including raping me.”D.P.

“The church we were in for 18 years has never called me since I had to leave nine months ago. They embraced my husband and would not hold him accountable and never cared what happened to me.” N.C.

See what I mean?

I'm Offering The Domestic Abuse Training Course

Because The Need Is Too Great To Ignore!

It’s not always easy for us to discern what’s really going on at home. Even if they do share something, they may have held it back for so long that it comes out in a completely defensive or inappropriate way… which can shift our focus to the poor behavior of the victim.

We need to know what to look for and what to ask.

The majority of women I work with, without hesitation, say they wish they would’ve heard this one thing:

“I believe you.”

We have a tendency to doubt or minimize a victim’s situation – in ways we don’t even realize. You see, when a victim’s complaint is belittled, ignored or not even believed by a trusted leader, “re-victimization” often occurs in many ways. The Scriptures are misapplied, and women are told they can make things better for themselves if they just love more, submit more, or pray more.

The Good News Is This...

Things are beginning to change, as more and more people-helpers receive training, but the fact remains: Biblical training on handling domestic abuse – including emotional abuse – is desperately needed.

And that’s exactly what we are going to give you in the

Domestic Abuse Training Course

You won’t have to doubt yourself anymore!

And you’ll be tremendously encouraged by the new clarity and discernment you’ll have.

As of now, the training we are about to share

with you is truly groundbreaking.

There is virtually no other training of this kind being

offered – anywhere!

Finally… a domestic abuse training course for pastors, counselors and leaders who want the loving, Biblical model for helping both spouses.

Chris Moles and I have worked hard to put together the Domestic Abuse Training Course for Christian Leaders. It's packed with mind-blowing, Scriptural truth.

You won’t believe that you never saw these truths before!

Here are many of the changes you’ll see in your approach once you experience this Domestic Abuse Training:

You’ll be able to…

  • Tell the difference between a difficult marriage, a disappointing marriage and a destructive marriage.

  • Ask the right questions to discern the difference – and know what to look for.

  • “Diagnose” the root problem correctly, and stop wasting time on “treating” something entirely unrelated.

  • Discern whether or not joint marital counseling is appropriate or more harmful in each situation.

  • Assess whether a woman is in physical danger and know how to help her develop and understand the need for a safety plan.

  • Stop suggesting that the victim should “try harder” because your new God-honoring strategy will be much more empowering.

  • Help people focus on the true problem at hand, without getting off-course as every new situation that arises.

  • Understand the dynamics of destructive relationships, knowing which techniques work and which do not.

  • Avoid common mistakes that cause more harm to people already under deep distress.

  • Prevent potential lawsuits arising from the mishandling of serious situations.

  • Help victims of abuse speak up, using 'C.O.R.E. Strength', instead of reacting emotionally or angrily to the destructive behavior going on in the marriage.

  • Have better understanding of boundaries - what they are and why they are important.

  • Discern whether real heart change is taking place.

  • Save countless hours of unproductive meeting time that you can now use to help people move forward in their personal growth (or spend the saved hours with your own family!).

Christian Leaders Cannot Afford to be Without This!

The greatest thing about our online training is this:


You’re able to take the course at your own pace, according to your own schedule.

Go through the video sessions as slowly - or as quickly - as you like.

We provide handouts for each session for your convenience, and we include a Behavior Inventory Questionnaire that you can use when assessing a suspected abuser.

But there’s MORE that we want to give you…

We recorded the Domestic Abuse Training Course at The Village Church, a megachurch in Texas headed by Pastor Matt Chandler.

This church spent $6,000 to bring Chris and me to teach their leadership. Most churches could not afford to do this.

But we believe all Christian leaders need to have access to a healthy, Biblical understanding of destructive relationships.

That’s why we were determined to create a way to give YOU access to this empowering eight hours of cutting-edge training for the very affordable price of only $97.

AND...there’s no need to leave your office or home, attend a seminar, pay hotel costs or seminar fees.

You're even able to share the training sessions with your church leadership, or go through the training together with your staff, elders, spouse, small group or marriage ministry team – ALL WITH YOUR ONE-TIME PURCHASE!

Members of this Program Enjoy:


Handouts and Behavior Inventory Questionnaire for potential abusers FREE BONUS PACKAGE (TOTAL VALUE $296)

Members Only Access

The Domestic Abuse Training Course video sessions with Leslie Vernick and Chris Moles. Training video each month with Leslie Vernick and Chris Moles. Plus List of helpful resources to put in your toolbox


Purchase now and receive the

Ultimate People Helper Bundle shown below:

Video Training #1:

5 Steps To Lasting Change In Marital Counseling

(Value $57)

Special Report:

How To Interact With A Destructive Person As A People Helper.

(Value $47)

Video Training #2:

Why Can't She Leave The Past In The Past.

(Value $57)

Special Report:

10 Indicators Of Successful Marital Counseling - Post Abuse.

(Value $47)

Special Report:

How Do You Know When Someone Is Truly Sorry.

(Value $37)




One Time Payment Of $97

That’s a nearly $500-value for only $97!!

The value here is unbeatable, especially considering the life-changing scope of this investment in your practice or ministry.

What Other Counselors Are Saying ….

"Leslie and Chris exhibited a profound mastery of the content in our work with them. They are both experts in this field… with a wealth of knowledge from which to draw wisdom. Coupled with their vast study are decades of experience working with victims, abusers and couples. Their insights and advice were invaluable for our ministers for both recognizing abusive behaviors and working with victims and perpetrators of abuse. They are able to advise with a level of detail, nuance, discernment and pastoral delicacy that is fitting for this intricate topic."

“Chris and Leslie are not only extremely qualified to speak into this field, but their counsel is rich with the Gospel. They show a deep understanding of how God’s character and redemptive plan inform the church’s response to abuse. Simultaneously, they are very well-acquainted with the church’s troubled history of dealing with this issue with the seriousness and intentionality that is necessary. Their training makes key corrections and recommendations for churches that seek to honor the Lord’s high view of covenant and to protect vulnerable and abused people."

"We have no doubt that Leslie and Chris will be a fantastic resource for your church or organization. We eagerly recommend them to you."

Matt Chandler, Josh Patterson and Brian Miller, 

Lead Pastors of The Village Church in Dallas, TX


"The information Leslie and Chris share with the participants in the Domestic Abuse Counselor Training Course is desperately needed in our churches. Often the abused will turn to the church for help in times of need, but it is sad to realize that many destructive marriages and relationships actually exist within the church's own boundaries. However, what is even sadder is to recognize that those seeking help from many church leaders are often given ineffective and even damaging advice that perpetuates sinful behavior… I am thankful for the way Leslie and Chris enlighten and challenge us to dig deep into the Scriptures to uncover the heart of God rather than scratch the surface of what has traditionally been reported as ‘biblical truth.’"

"In addition to presenting a vital message, this course is delivered in a delightful way. Leslie and Chris are a dynamic duo that complement each other and offer a variety of teaching and sharing styles. The combination of using instruction, examples, videos, illustrations, and exercises involves the participant and facilitates engagement with the truths presented. Both presenters candidly share what they have learned through their years of experience as well as their expertise without hesitation, even when it exposes their own vulnerability. This video series reveals how one can detect a destructive relationship, how to assist both the victim and the abuser who have a desire to change, and why couple therapy alone will not work. Leslie and Chris model excellence in their pursuit of serving others from a Christian perspective."

Dara M. Stockton, M.A., LMFT, LPC

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